Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

The Germans will pull out of the Euro

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard passed the clear statement which has been made at the last Euro Summit held in Rome between Italy, France, Spain & Germany:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has shot down calls for full mobilisation of the eurozone's bail-out funds to halt the raging bond crisis in Spain and Italy, ignoring unprecedented pleas for action from the International Monetary Fund.
"The Germans are blackmailing the ECB," said one official. "They have more or less threatened to withdraw from the euro if the ECB puts one foot out of line."

In other words:

If any sort of bailout will be orchestrated in a way that it will cost Germany more money (hint: Germnay itself is bankrupt, just nobody realized yet), they will withdraw from the EURO currency.

If you ask me, there are two really big players in the room, it was just not shown that way:

Player one: France, who basically wants out of the EUR since it's destroying it's own industry.

Player two: Germany, who is not generally unpleased with the EURO but absolutely unwilling to pay any sort of funds to other countries, directly or indirectly. So, after all, they might have realized the time to pull out of the EURO is now.

It's going to be an interesting week.

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